Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
Denomination: | C of E - Wycombe Deanery |
Local Authority to 2020: | Wycombe District Council |
Local Authority UA: | Bucks UA (North West Chilterns) |
Address of Church: | Chinnor Road, Bledlow Ridge (5 miles NW of High Wycombe) |
Nearest Post Code: | HP14 4AX |
O/S Map Reference/NGR: | SU 79752 97741 |
Latitude & Longitude: | 51.67278, -0.84808 Google Map |
CofE ACNY Web Site: |
Notes on Church: | Bledlow Ridge had its first chapel-of-ease in 1801 to the north of the village. It was replaced on a more central site in 1834. The second chapel was replaced by the current church opening in 1868, designed by the architect David Brandon. It is a plain but bright building of flint walls with stone dressings, at a time when brick dressings were more common in the Chilterns. The side windows of nave and chancel are all Early English lancets, but E and W windows have Geometrical Decorated tracery. |
Introduction to Stained Glass: | Just 3 windows have stained glass, but all are notable. They are windows by Mayer & Co, Geoffrey Webb, and the largest window in Buckinghamshire to be designed by John Piper and made by Patrick Reyntiens. |
(Links may not work on some mobile devices)
Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window
Thumbnail | Code | Location | Type | Subject(s) | Date | Craftsmen |
01 | East | 3 lights | The Good Shepherd | 1904 | Mayer & Co. |
08 | West | 3 lights | Abstract | 1968 | John Piper Patrick Reyntiens |
10 | Nave N (E3) | 1 light | St Michael | 1926 | F E Howard Geoffrey F Webb |
Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson
©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy