Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
Denomination: | C of E - Aylesbury Deanery |
Local Authority to 2020: | Aylesbury Vale District Council |
Local Authority UA: | Bucks UA (Wendover) |
Address of Church: | Hulcott (3 miles NE of Aylesbury) |
Nearest Post Code: | HP22 5AX |
O/S Map Reference/NGR: | SP 85329 16684 |
Latitude & Longitude: | 51.84224, -0.76281 Google Map |
Church Web Site: | |
CofE ACNY Web Site: |
Introduction to Stained Glass: | Three Stained Glass windows in the church were provided by Rev Edward Bonus, in 1881, 1888, and 1889. The latter two are in memory of his mother and his wife. They are both by A L Moore. There are also 4 windows to members of the Bonus family at Buckland church. |
(Links may not work on some mobile devices)
Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window
Thumbnail | Code | Location | Type | Subject(s) | Date | Craftsmen |
01 | East | 2 lights | St Mary, Crucifixion, St John | 1881 | John Hardman |
02 | Chancel S | 2 lights | Annunciation | 1898 | A L Moore |
04 | Nave S | 3 lights | Nativity | 1899 | A L Moore |
07 | North Porch (W) | Single Light | Quarries with Fleur-de-lys and Roses | Unknown |
Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson
©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy