Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

St Mary, Datchet

C of E - Burnham & Slough Deanery
Local Authority UA:
Windsor & Maidenhead UA
Address of Church:
The Green, Datchet
Nearest Post Code:
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SU 98815 77115
Latitude & Longitude:
51.4843, -0.57830  Google Map
Church Web Site:
CofE ACNY Web Site:

For details of this church on our "Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire" website, please click here

Notes on Church:
Datchet was transferred from Bucks to Berks in 1974. The church was rebuilt in 1857 by the architect Raphael Brandon, with a Nave and two Aisles. More...
In 1857 extensions were built each side of the Chancel, and in 1864, the Western end was extended, and an outer N Aisle was added. The church had been connected with St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle since 1350.

Introduction to Stained Glass:In 1861, soon after the rebuilding, the Prince Consort (Prince Albert) died and Datchet church fitted 4 windows in memory of him (01, 06, 13, 19). More...
They were all made by O'Connor, as were another 6 in the church. Another 8 were made by Lavers & Barraud. The new church had inspired local people to fill the windows with glass in memory of members of their families. Datchet church therefore has a splendid collection of stained glass from the 1860s, whose style in rich colours is now more appreciated than it was through much of the 20th century. We show 19 windows.


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Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window

Thumbnail Code   Location Type Subject(s) Date Craftsmen
Details 01 East 3 lights St Paul, Christ seated, St John Evangelist 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 02 Chancel S 2 lights Entwined foliage decoration. 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 03 Organ Chamber E Multifoil, or Septemfoil (seven foiled circle) Lamb of God, Agnus Dei 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 04 Organ Chamber S 2 lights Entwined foliage decoration. 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 05 S Aisle S (E) 2 lights Annunciation, Christ with learned men in Temple. 1865 Lavers & Barraud
Details 06 S Aisle S (E2) 2 lights St Peter, St Matthew, St Peter raising Tabitha, Christ calls Matthew. 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 07 S Aisle S (E3) 2 lights Suffer Little Children, Last Supper, Baptism of Christ. 1865 N H J Westlake
Lavers & Barraud
Details 08 S Aisle S (W) 1 light St Anne 1881 W G Taylor
Details 09 S Aisle W 3 lights Abraham & Isaac, Simeon, King David, Moses, John the Baptist, Aaron. †1865 N H J Westlake
Lavers & Barraud
Details 10 West 3 lights Te Deum, with Angels, Martyrs, Apostles, Prophets, St.Augustine, St.Ambrose, Nativity and Adoration of the Kings. 1864 Westlake N H & Allen J M
Lavers & Barraud
Details 11 N Aisle W 2 lights Instruments of the Scourging, Crucifixion, Instruments of the Passion, Lamb of Victory, Gethsemane, Judas. †1864 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 12 N aisle N 2 lights Flowers - Lilies 1865 Lavers & Barraud
Details 13 Outer North Aisle W 2 lights Foliage and Floral 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 14 Outer North Aisle N (W) 1 light The Good Samaritan. 1865 J M Allen
Lavers & Barraud
Details 15 Outer North Aisle N (E3) 2 lights Parable of the Talents, and Parable of the Prodigal Son. 1865 J M Allen
Lavers & Barraud
Details 16 Outer North Aisle N (E2) 2 lights Parable of the Sower, and Parable of the Pharisee and Publican. 1866 Lavers & Barraud
Details 17 Outer North Aisle N (E) 2 lights Christ Enthroned, Resurrection, Ascension. 1861 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 18 Outer North Aisle E Cinquefoil Floral Pattern. 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons
Details 19 Sacristy E 2 lights Geometrical pattern 1862 Michael O'Connor & Sons

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2024 Michael G Hardy