Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

St Nicholas, Cublington

C of E - Mursley Deanery
Local Authority to 2020:
Aylesbury Vale District Council
Local Authority UA:
Bucks UA (Wing & Ivinghoe)
Address of Church:
High Street, Cublington (3 miles W of Wing)
Nearest Post Code:
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SP 83879 22202
Latitude & Longitude:
51.89206, -0.78252  Google Map
Church Web Site:
CofE ACNY Web Site:

For details of this church on our "Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire" website, please click here

Notes on Church:
St Nicholas is a good example of a small medieval church that was built around 1400 that has never been expanded or drastically altered. At that time the village moved a short distance and needed a new church. This was at the time the Decorated Style of Gothic Architecture was being replaced by the Perpendicular style, so the church has elements of both styles.

Introduction to Stained Glass:We show 4 windows, with 3 of them being modern.


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Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window

Thumbnail Code   Location Type Subject(s) Date Craftsmen
Details 04 Nave S (E) 2 lights Tudor Rose, Mercury's staff, St Luke, Robin, St Martin, Haystacks, Plough, Cowslip, Garden of Gethsemene - Christ & Mary Magdalene, Wren, Flowers - roses, petunias, sweet williams, lily 1986 Edward R Payne
Details 05 S Porch E Single light Cross: A contemporary Cross in bright yellow and green, facing the morning sun to represent the expectation of a new morning. 2015 Roger Bottle
Details 06 S Porch E Single light Cross: A contemporary Cross in mellow red and purple, facing the evening sun to represent contentment in the evening. 2015 Roger Bottle
Details 07 Nave S (W) 2 lights Christian Symbols: Cross, Dove, Fish, XP (Chi Rho). 2022 Roger Bottle
Details 08 West, in Tower 2 lights Geometric pattern: 6 coloured pieces only, in heads of main lights, and tracery Unknown

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

©2003-2013 Clifford and Monica Robinson

©2015-2025 Michael G Hardy