Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

St John the Baptist, Little Missenden

C of E - Wendover Deanery
Local Authority to 2020:
Chiltern District Council
Local Authority UA:
Bucks UA (Missendens)
Address of Church:
Little Missenden (3 miles W of Amersham)
Nearest Post Code:
O/S Map Reference/NGR:
SU 92091 98987
Latitude & Longitude:
51.68210, -0.66937  Google Map
Church Web Site:
CofE ACNY Web Site:

For details of this church on our "Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire" website, please click here

Introduction to Stained Glass:There is only one fragment of Medieval Glass in the church. All 3 Eastern windows were donated by one man in the early 1880s and were made by Heaton Butler and Bayne. The other 12 windows all date from between 1937 and 1959. They all come from the A K Nicholson Stained Glass Studios, with 11 being designed by Gerald Smith, and one by Margaret Pawle. Over a 20 year period, there must have been a strong desire to have stained glass in all the church's windows, with some of them even being fitted during WW2.


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Click on a thumbnail to go to a page for each window

Thumbnail Code   Location Type Subject(s) Date Craftsmen
Details 01 East 3 lights Angel appearing to the Shepherds, The Good Shepherd, 'Feed my Sheep' (Jesus' Charge to St Peter) 1881 Heaton Butler & Bayne
Details 02 Chancel S (E) 1 light Royal Coat of Arms of England, St George 1937 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 03 Chancel S (C) 1 light Madonna and Child, Fleur de Lys, Song of Solomon emblems. 1937 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson 1907-1937
Details 04 Chancel S (W) 1 light St Birinus, and St Birinus baptising King Cynegils of Wessex at Dorchester-on-Thames, in the presence of King Oswald of Northumbria. 1937 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson 1907-1937
Details 05 S aisle E 3 lights Faith, Charity, Hope 1881 Heaton Butler & Bayne
Details 06 S aisle S (E) 1 light "The Great Commission" when Christ sends his disciples to preach the Gospel to the world. 1939 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 07 S aisle S (C) 1 light This window continues the theme of "The Great Commission" from window 06 showing the Gospel spreading across the world. 1939 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 08 S aisle S (W) 1 light 'Suffer the little children to come to me' 1945 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 09 S aisle W 2 lights St John the Baptist, St Nicholas of Myra, Agnus Dei. 1938 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 10 West 3 lights The window portrays "Worship of the Holy Church throughout all the World". It includes texts from the Te Deum, Christ in Majesty, a priest, St George, St Michael, St Gabriel, Male Saints, Female Saints, and People who served in WW2. 1947 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 11 N aisle W 2 lights Small spray of yellow leaves and flowers (see note below) 17th C.?
Details 12 N aisle N (W) 2 lights St Francis of Assisi, St Clare of Assisi 1959 Margaret F Pawle
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 13 N Aisle N (E) 2 lights St Michael, St George 1945 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 14 N chapel N 2 lights Agnus Dei, New Jerusalem, Golden Gates, Florence Nightingale, King Edward 1st, St Hugh of Lincoln, King Alfred, Battle of Britain, and Evacuation of Dunkirk. 1941 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's
Details 15 N chapel (E) 3 lights Parable of the Good Samaritan 1883 Heaton Butler & Bayne
Details 16 N chapel S 1 light St Hilda of Whitby, Caedmon 1940 G E R Smith
AK Nicholson Studios 1937-60's

Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches

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