Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire
Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire is a project launched in 2018, with only a few churches included at the moment.
This page was last updated on 2 Jan 2021
A Companion to the English Parish Church, S Friar, 1996.
Architecture in Britain: The Middle Ages, G Webb, 1956.
A Shell Guide: Buckinghamshire, B Watkin, 1981.
Chiltern Churches, G Martin, 1972.
Companion into Buckinghamshire, M Fraser, 1950.
Country Churches of the Chilterns, H S Rice, 1983.
Darwen County History Series: A History of Buckinghamshire, M Reed, 1993.
English Parish Churches, E Smith & O Cook & G Hutton, 1977.
Exploring Parish Churches, V Bonham-Carter, 1961.
History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham, G Lipscomb, 1847.
History and Topography of Buckinghamshire, J J Sheahan, 1862.
John Betjeman's Guide to English Parish Churches, 1958 and 1993.
Murray's Buckinghamshire Architectural Guide, J Betjeman and J Piper, 1948.
Parish Churches, their architectural development in England, H Braun, 1974.
Philip's County Guide: Buckinghamshire, I Buchanan, 1994.
Royal Commisssion on Historic Monuments: Buckinghamshire (2 Vols), 1912.
Records of Buckinghamshire - Journal of Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society.
Shire County Guide: Buckinghamshire, I Beckett, 1987.
The Beauty of English Churches, L E Jones, 1978.
The Buildings of England: Buckinghamshire, N Pevsner, 1960 and 1994.
The County Books Series: Buckinghamshire, A Uttley, 1950.
The English Parish Church, R Chamberlin, 1993.
The English Parish Church, G Randall, 1988.
The Kings England: Buckinghamshire, A Mee, 1940.<
The Making of the English Landscape: The Bucks Landscape, M Reed, 1979.
The Parish Churches of England, J C Cox & C B Ford, 1935.
The Shell Guide to English Parish Churches, R Harbison, 1992.
Victoria County History of counties of England: Bucks (4 Vols & index), 1905-28.
Worthies of Buckinghamshire and men of note of that county, R Gibbs, 1888.
Also individual Church Guide Books, and many books on individual towns and villages.
Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire
All photographs by Michael G Hardy unless stated otherwise